Thursday, March 24, 2011


Well that took a hot minute now didnt it? Sorry ladies for taking a redick amount of time before writing another blog.  same ol same ol over here. still no place in Syracuse yet. Twins have been sick, BOTH with bronchitis, not sure how they got it. Abby has an ear infection.

What in the world is in the water lately? EVERYONE is preggo! Not me tho!!! I am DOOOONE having chirrun. My litter is too big, we cant even rent a place! 3 bdrm anyway. Jacob has 4 teeth. Dom has none. They are scootin around, but not crawling. I dont want them crawling yet lol.

My bday is in 9 days. 28. Whoa. I cant belive I have kept myself alive this long! Ooops...I just jinxed myself....o well, if I die in the next 9 days, throw a suprise party for me and prop me up beside the jukebox ;)

I like the Nick show Bubble Guppies. I dont know why lol And the Disney show Timmy Time. LOL. Hey atleast its not >gag< Yo Gabba Gabba >gag<

I really dont have much to write about. Nothing really goes on around here. It is sunny and pretty out. Hot. I hate the heat. It is beach weather though. I just havent gone yet because going with 4 kids is a Bish...ya know what im sayin? Ok well. I will let you all go back to your innerestin lives :)

You're welcome PRISCILLA!!!!